Ming Yu
Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac)
Acupuncture in Burnaby

My belief is that “a joyful heart is the best medicine.” So keep smiling.
If it is passion you are looking for in an acupuncturist then Ming is the person for you. Throughout his life Ming has always been interested in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. His life took a different path and he created a successful business in Hong Kong and around the world. But his passion for helping people was always in the back of his mind.
Ming Yu is a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) with year of experience in Chinese and holistic medicine. Book your acupuncture treatments in Burnaby
Even though Ming was a success in other field, his love acupuncture and Chinese medicine kept drawing him back. So when people are winding down their careers, Ming decided to go back to school and further his passion. His pure love and excitement of helping people shows in his work and he was able to fulfill his childhood dream and become an acupuncturist. Ming has a BSc degree from Alberta, AIIM (Associate of Institute of Industrial Manager) from the UK and a R.Ac ( Registered acupuncturist ) from Canada.
You know he has a innate love for his profession when he does this job out of joy and fulfillment which shows in his attention to each and every patient he has. Ming goes the extra mile in his treatment not because he has to but because he wants to. And that is the reason he does what his does.
His role as an acupuncturist is to help his client maintain bodily balance which is extremely critical as it does integrate with nature. Ming’s mission is to “ heal patients with heart,” As an acupuncturist, he strongly believes in “Green” therapy to help clients to alleviate their diseases.
Over the course of his acupuncture practice, he has found stress is a major issue that made people sick and I have helped patients with Bell’s palsy, pros-stroke, musculoskeletal pain, internal medicine like stomach issues, etc by using a combination of acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, ear acupuncture, moxibustion, scraping (gua sha), and cupping therapy as well as Tui-Na therapy.
Ming loves nature and is grateful to live in BC surrounded by it. He is a very active person and believes in continual advancement in life.
Areas of Focus: Acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping therapy, ear acupuncture, Tui-Na therapy, moxibustion, ear acupuncture, scraping, and Gua Sha
Certifications: Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), BSc degree from Alberta, and AIIM (Associate of Institute of Industrial Manager) from the UK