Massage as a Healing Tool
Burnaby RMT Massage Clinic

Though massage therapy may date back at least 5,000 years, the modern era for massage therapy did not come to light until the early 1800s when a Swedish medical professional formulated and chronicled a style of massage that was proven to help relieve chronic pain—this method is the precursor to what we now know as Swedish massage.
Later in the century massage therapy was being conducted by those schooled in this skill—the early massage therapists, and was paired with hydrotherapy and offered in retreats as a “rest cure” for the well-to-do. Massage therapy at this time was only meant for the wealthy and only those with the time and means could indulge in the experience and walk away feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
In the early part of the 1900s an increasing number of new and rediscovered massage techniques were coming to light. Massage therapy was moving more and more in the mainstream and found to be useful as tool to help treat World War I patients who were suffering from nerve injuries or shell shock (what we now know to be post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Regardless, massage therapy still remained out of the mainstream as a form of viable treatment for many years—for the average citizen legitimate massage therapy was one of two things—a luxury reserved for the wealthy in a reputable resort or spa, or a service that was only found in the backrooms of places associated with the sex trade.
It was not until the later half of the 1900s and the rise in interest of holistic medicine was massage therapy was once again considered to be a tool for healing. More and more countries began to regulate the practice and industry standards for licensing and education emerged. In time, massage therapy became a legitimate and respectable form of alternative and complementary treatment and is now recognized as means of maintaining wellness.
Massage therapy is still very much based on techniques from the ancients—as the basis has always been to heal and provide a higher quality of life the skills honed hundreds of years ago are still very relevant in the society of today. Massage therapy has always been considered part of integrative medicine and is most beneficial when offered along with standard treatments for a wide range of medical conditions and situations. It is important to keep in mind that massage therapy is not meant to be a replacement for regular medical care and it is important to inform your doctor if you are contemplating massage therapy and to follow any standard treatment plans that have been set for you.
Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or ailments, massage therapy has also been enjoyed by many as it produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection. It is a good stress reliever and empowers you to take charge of your own health and well-being. Selfcare has never been more important and massage therapy is a good way to start taking care of yourself.
At Elu Wellness you can get the best massage in Burnaby by our trained registered massage specialist and RMT practitioners. We are located across from Metrotown and service all areas of South Burnaby included the Highgate, Edmonds, Capital Hill, Brentwood, Canada Way, Burnaby Lake, Deer Lake, Moscrop and areas in New Westminster like Queensburgh and Quay.